
The Department of Town Planning, a technical arm of Ministry of Urban Development, Government of Arunachal Pradesh is responsible for regulation of planning, designing and implementation of various process of development in the field of urban and regional planning such as master plan, development plan, and infrastructure planning. The Department of Town Planning is authorized to operate the development norms, byelaws, acts, regulations, articles, etc. and to check the unauthorized, unorganized and haphazard growth of the towns. The Department of Town Planning has started its early operation towards planned development of new towns and renewal of old towns. To strengthen the development process the Department of Town Planning, GoAP has enacted various acts, norms, regulations and byelaws.

In order to regulate the directives of Seventy Fourth Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992, under 12th Schedule of Indian Constitution the Department of Town Planning, Government of Arunachal Pradesh has adopted various statutes. The present activities of the department are highlighted in the following forms.


The Constitution (Seventy Fourth Amendment) Act, 1992, made it clear mandatory to state governments to constitute municipalities. The Department of Town Planning, GoAP has enacted Arunachal Pradesh Municipal Act, 2007, Arunachal Pradesh Municipal Election Act, 2009 prior to constitution of Municipalities in the state. Elections for Itanagar and Pasighat Municipality was conducted on 16th May 2013 in the initial phase and municipal council has been formed. Municipal Chief Councillor will head the Municipality. Municipalities in other township will be formed subsequently.


Presently state has 27 (twenty seven) notified urban areas (Tawang, Dirang, Bomdila, Rupa, Seppa, Itanagar, Naharlagun, Sagalee, Ziro, Koloriang, Daporijo, Basar, Aalo, Yingkiong, Boleng, Pasighat, Roing, Anini, Namsai, Tezu, Hawai, Longding, Deomali, Miao, Khonsa, Changlang and Jairampur). The areas including Sejoisa, Balukpong, Kimin, Katan, Geku, Mariyang, Ruksin, etc under process for urban area notification.


This Act signifies the safety and security and general well being of the community. Therefore, to regulate this all building construction (residential and non-residential) in the state have been made compulsory to acquire building permits. In the first phase the enforcement of building byelaws has in introduced in Capital Complex. In the due course of time, the building byelaws shall be made mandatory for all the notified urban areas in the state.


National Urban Information System (NUIS) a widely central sponsored scheme operating in the state since 2006. In the first phase Daporijo and Aalo have been covered.

Website Content Managed By: Directorate of Town Planning, Department of Urban Affairs, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.