

Department of Town Planning is working in the way of development. Its major responsibility is town development, preparation of development plans for all urban towns in the state, land management, find appropriate sites for residential and industrial zone etc. Department of Town Planning is working in the way of development. Its major responsibility is town development, preparation of development plans for all urban towns in the state, land management, find appropriate sites for residential and industrial zone etc.

Major duties and responsibilities are explained below.

1. Planning of town development all over the state. 2. To regulate the planning of building construction as per Town/Map/Master Plans. 3. Passing the blueprints of plans of Town Planning/Master Plan.
4. To earmark the all land use as per master plan in urban area for housing. 5. Matter relating to town and country planning and preparation of Master Plan thereof. 6. Matter relating to town for proper plan and land use.
7. Matter relating to proper transport plans, planning for Bus terminal, parking place etc. 8. To earmark the site for residential and non-residential zone. 9. To earmark the site for industrial area, market area in the town planning.
10 .Matter relating to selection of sites for various Govt. offices/institutions within the Town. 11. To advise the Government on policy matter regarding Town & Country Planning including legislation thereof. 12. Preparation of Regional Plans, Development Plans and Town Planning.
13. Assistance/advice to Municipalities for preparation of Town Planning. 14. Preparation of land use plan. 15. To advise the Government for preparation of legislation regarding Town & Country Planning Acts.
16. Preparation of development plans for all urban towns in the states. 17. To function as Arbitrator as and when any dispute arise on land use matter.

Designation Wise Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The Director, being Head of the Department is responsible for the efficient working of this Department and to exercise all administrative powers as enjoined upon the Heads of the departments in the Arunachal Pradesh.
  2. He shall exercise all the powers as provided under Arunachal Pradesh Urban and Country Planning Act, 2007 (Act No. 3 of 2008).
  3. He shall submit to the Government budget appropriation proposals in a consolidated form for the whole department for consideration and approval of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
  4. All the reports and returns to the Government i.e monthly, quarterly, yearly as required by the Government from time to time in respect of the department shall be submitted by him or by his subordinate officers to whom he shall delegate the powers in his behalf.
  5. Any major policy relating to the professionals activities for example amendment in Arunachal Pradesh Urban and Country Planning Act etc. shall be undertaken by him in consultation with senior technical officers of the Department.
  6. He shall exercise all the powers delegated to him by the State Government from time to time and shall be directly answerable to the Government.

  1. The Senior Town Planner, Town Planning Dept., shall assist the Director, Town and Country Planning Dept. in the performance of his duties and responsibilities.
  2. Being senior most Technical Officer in the Department, he is responsible to monitor/guide and expedite the preparation of development plans/sectoral plans/schemes /projects and to assist the Director to get the same approved from Govt. besides other policy/routine jobs.
  3. He is functioning as ex-officio Vigilance Officer to deal with corruption cases in the Town and Country Planning Dept.
  4. He is required to inspect the field offices of this Dept. and after inspecting the offices will record inspection note.
  5. He is functioning as Public Information Officer to deal with the correspondence relating to RTI Act, 2005.
  6. He is responsible to get the work /correspondence relating to the urban reform, amendment in Arunachal Pradesh Urban & Country Planning Act, 2007 (Act No. 3 of 2008).
  7. He is functioning as Member Secretary of the Heritage/Restricted Area Committee.
  8. Any other job assigned by the Head of Department from time to time.

  1. The Town Planner (East & West) is responsible to expedite the plan preparation process i.e preparation of development plans/schemes,sectoral plans, model village plans, land pooling & reconstitution schemes(s) and to get the same approved and notified from the competent authority.
  2. He is responsible to monitor the progress with regard to targets fixed by the Department regarding preparation of Development of Development Plans/Regional Plans/Sector Plans/Schemes etc.
  3. He is responsible to get the information relating to planning permission cases collected from the field Offices in respect of area falling within the jurisdiction of Planning Area/Special Areas and to compile the information.
  4. He is responsible to get the status report of construction activities carried out/being carried out by individuals without prior approval of the Department, collected from field Offices in respect of Planning Areas/Special Areas and to ensure action against the same as well as to initiate steps to curb the tendency of raising the construction work without authorization.
  5. He is responsible to get the work relating to conservation of heritage in the state, Single Window System, and disposed off.
  6. He is responsible to get Planning permission/change of land use proposals received from field offices as well as from the Govt disposed off.
  7. He is responsible to get the work /correspondence relating to amendment in Arunachal Pradesh Urban & Country Planning Act, 2007.
  8. He is responsible for computerization in the Dept. including the work relating to repair & maintenance of computer hardware(s) /software(s) procured by the Dept.
  9. He is responsible to get the work relating to printing & publication, to conduct of survey and studies for the preparation of Schemes.
  10. To ensure disposal of Public grievances/complaints received through Public/Public representatives.
  11. He is functioning as Controlling officer in respect of class-I & II gazetted officers of this Department and will be responsible for getting finalized the establishment matters.
  12. He is functioning as Public Information Officer to deal with the correspondence relating to RTI Act, 2005.
  13. Any other job assigned by the Senior Town Planner/Head of Department from time to time.

  1. Assistant Town Planners are responsible to dispose off the work of Planning Area(s) and Special Areas falling within their jurisdiction.
  2. They are exercising the powers of Head of Office in respect of Assistant Town Planner Office and functioning as Controlling Officer in respect of gazetted officers Group B, non gazette officials group C & D employees posted in the District.
  3. They are responsible to perform specialized job like formulation of Regional Plans, District Plan, policies and programmes for effective Implementation of the provisions of Arunachal Pradesh Urban & Country Planning Act, 2007, A. P Building Bye Laws, monitoring, scrutiny and finalization of Plans/Scheme(s).
  4. They are required to ensure professional standards in the finalization of Development Plans/Sectoral Plans/Schemes etc. in respect of Planning/Special Areas.
  5. They are responsible to ensure planned and regulated development in the Planning Area/Special Areas falling within their jurisdiction by enforcing the provisions of Arunachal Pradesh Urban and Country Planning Act,2007.
  6. To get Planning Permission cases including the cases relating to sub-divisions of land disposed off within the period as stipulated in the Act.
  7. To stop unauthorized construction(s) coming up within their jurisdiction and to ensure action against the violators as provided under the provisions of Arunachal Pradesh Urban and Country Planning Act, 2007.
  8. To Protect /Preserve hill architecture and preservation of heritage.
  9. They are responsible to attend the meeting at District Level.
  10. To ensure disposal of cases received under RTI Act, 2005 within the period as stipulated in RTI Act.
  11. To ensure disposal of public grievances/complaints received through public/public representatives.
  12. To ensure submission of timely returns as are required to be submitted under Rules.
  13. Any other job assigned by the Town Planner/Senior Town Planner/ Head of Department from time to time.

  1. Analysis/correspondence relating to notification of Planning/Special Areas.
  2. Analysis/correspondence relating to finalization of Development Plans./Model Village Plans./Schemes etc.
  3. Analysis/correspondence relating to land Pooling & reconstitution Scheme(s).
  4. Analysis/correspondence relating to Urban reforms, Finance Commission, Building Bye Laws etc.
  5. Any other job assigned by the Town Planner (HQ /Senior Town Planner/Head of Department.

  1. Correspondence relating to grant of permission for change of land use, planning permission cases received from the field offices and other matters relating to planning regulations.
  2. Correspondence relating to amendment in Zoning Regulations.
  3. Analysis/correspondence relating to Environment, Heritage, Seminar, Public Awareness etc.
  4. To assist the Town Planner (Headquarter) in the disposal of Public grievances/complaints received through Public/Public representative(s).
  5. Any other job assigned by the Town Planner /Senior Town Planner /Director Town Planning.

  1. Town Planning Assistant are responsible to look-after the work relating to preparation and digitization of maps in GIS Software in respect of Planning Areas/Special Areas constituted under Arunachal Pradesh Urban & Country Planning Act, 2007 in the State.
  2. Monitoring of progress relating to Targets and planning assignment fixed by the Department.
  3. Monitoring of development control returns received from the field offices i.e planning permission cases and unauthorized construction cases including deviation from approved plan(s).

  1. Town Planning Assistants are responsible to prepare development plan, sectoral plan & scheme(s) of Planning Areas/Special Area(s) falling within the jurisdiction of office where they are working.
  2. They are responsible to dispose off planning permission cases and other various jobs pertaining to environmental and heritage conservation.
  3. The Town Planning Assistants are also responsible to assist Authorities to dispose off the work relating to planning permission, detection/stoppage of un-authorized construction and to prepare Plan/Scheme for planned & regulated development.
  4. They will assist the Town Planner/Assistant Town Planner in District Headquarter Offices in performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  5. Any other job assigned by the Town Planner (HQ) Senior Town Planner or by the Head of Department.

  1. Surveyors are responsible to conduct the survey and to ensure report thereof for preparation of Development Plan and inclusion of additional areas in the Planning/Special Areas constituted under the provisions of Arunachal Pradesh Urban and Country Planning Act, 2007 in the State.
  2. Any other job assigned by the Controlling officer from time to time.


Personal Assistant will be responsible to dispose of the works as assigned by the Director and to maintain the ACR’s of all the officers/ officials of the Department and to dispose off typing work assigned by the HOD.

  1. The Assistant is responsible to dispose off the work relating service matters including preparation of Recruitment Rules, of different categories of the Department, finalization of seniority lists, transfer, disciplinary proceedings, vigilance matters, appointment, promotion, pensionary benefits.
  2. To get instructions issued for bringing transparency and efficiency in the office working and to ensure effective administration.
  3. To look-after the work relating R.T.I Act, 2005.
  4. Any other job assigned by the Director from time to time.

  1. He is working as drawing and disbursement officer of the department.
  2. He is responsible to assist Director in the dispose off work relating Budget and Account.
  3. He is responsible for monitoring of revenue receipt, settlement of audit report/Paras, PAC/CAG matters.
  4. Any other job assigned by the Director from time to time.

  1. They are responsible to deal with the work relating to Budget, AOP, Accounts, Traveling allowance, Medical Reimbursement, & Audit Paras, Nazarath.
  2. They are responsible to do the typing work of their seat.
  3. Any other job assigned by the FAO/Controlling officer concerned from time to time.
  4. To ensure proper up-keepment of vehicles at Directorate level and related correspondence besides the correspondence relating to purchase of new vehicles, enhancement of existing fleet strength etc.
  5. They are responsible to deal with the work relating to up-keepment of stores, stocks and stationery articles.

  1. They are responsible to deal with the work relating to cash.
  2. They are responsible to do the typing work of their seat.
  3. Any other job assigned by the Controlling officer concerned from time to time.

  1. They are responsible to do the work of Treasury and preparation of bill etc.
  2. They will assist the UDC to deal with the work relating to Accounts.
  3. They will do the typing work..
  4. Any other job assigned by the Controlling officer concerned from time to time.

  1. To drive the Departmental Vehicles

  1. He/She will attend the officers/officials concerned and will ensure to deliver the dak/files /cleanliness of tables/chairs.
  2. He is responsible to deliver notice(s)/letter(s) issued by the Authorities to the applicants/various Govt. functionaries.
  3. Any other job assigned by the Controlling Officer.

  1. He will keep watch and ward of the office premises during and after office hours.
  2. To take precautionary measures for prevention of fire and damage to Govt. property and to clean the office.

Website Content Managed By: Directorate of Town Planning, Department of Urban Affairs, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.